Chelsea Senior Center, SEPTEMBER 24, 2017
Our senior citizens are treasures and should be treated with a great deal of respect and honor. That is why I will be volunteering my time at Chelsea Senior Living in Fanwood, NJ on September 24, 2017 to read my new book, "Hey Tuskegee!" to this special group of seniors.
Hey Tuskegee! Gets an official ISBN
Mascot Books has shared that the upcoming children's book, "Hey Tuskegee!" has formally applied and received an official USBN. ISBNs are the global standard for identifying titles ISBNs are used world-wide as a unique identifier for books. They are used to simplify distribution and purchase of books throughout the global supply chain. Most retailers require ISBNs to track book inventory Without an ISBN, you will not be found in most book stores, either online or down the street from your house.